My name is EunChan Park, currently studying computer science at SungKyunKwan University. I am interested in computer security, computer network, and computer science education.

I have numerous teaching experience including AP Computer Science, Processing (Java), Scratch, and Web Development. I am fluent in English and is capable of project management.

In System Consultant Group, I took part in the back-end development of SKKU Profsystem - a system that assigns lecture rooms to professors. I also served as the president (2018/02 - 2019/02), leading the SKKU College of Software homepage renewal (korean -, english - and SKKU Weekly Quiz (

Languages: Korean (native), English (fluent), Chinese (conversant)
Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, Javascript, Python
Technologies/Environments: MySQL, SQLite, Android, Processing, NodeJS, AngularJS, Vue.js, Windows, Mac, Linux, Git, ROBOTC
School Activities: Student Council, Open-source Hackathon, SKKU Bug Bounty, System Consultant Group, IoT Workshop

Email: pec9399[AT]naver[DOT]com
Phone: +82-10-4439-9399

See [Resume], [LinkedIn], [Github]